Frequently Asked Questions
The next shadowing sessions are on the Shadowing Sessions tab of our website.
Sessions take place weekly and updates to session dates are communicated on our social media outlets.
Will these hours count towards the clinical shadowing hours requirement for professional (i.e. Medical/PA/Nursing) school?
Professional schools understand students' situations and will adjust accordingly to accommodate for adding this experience onto applications. This experience can be listed as a healthcare shadowing experience with the number of hours according to how many you certify via quizzes at the end of each session.
Is there any cost associated with joining this program?
There is no cost associated with joining and our sessions are free for all to attend. Feel free to join our sessions and receive your hours certified via our quizzes on the Certification tab of our website.
How can I attend?
Students can tune in live on either Zoom or YouTube (both the link and Meeting ID sent via Email and in the Shadowing Sessions tab).
Due to Zoom room occupancy limitations, we can host the first 100 students via Zoom and an unlimited number via the YouTube live from our YouTube channel and still ask questions to participate using the chatbox feature on both platforms.
How will my hours be verified?
2 hours are received for every week a Certification quiz is completed. Students are asked to immediately download and keep their certificates for their records and professional schools can contact to verify student hours.
Please refer to the Certification page for further Quiz information and deadlines.
Can I make up past assessments and receive certificates if I join the program during later shadowing sessions?
Unfortunately, since quiz assessments are only available to take over the duration of the week the session is held, there are no make-ups after the due date for quizzes. However, this is a program that you can join any week and continue each week to build up your hours.
Assessments are optional and only needed if the student seeks a certificate of completion for attending that week's session. All previous sessions are available on our Shadowing Sessions navigation page and students can learn from previous specialties shadowed.
Who can attend these sessions?
These sessions are intended for all students or those interested in pursuing healthcare/professional/medical school in the U.S. - Our attendees are located in both hemispheres and several countries internationally.
What happens if I miss a session due to a conflict or can't get into a Zoom meeting?
Not to worry, you will have access to the YouTube recording link to watch and answer questions on the quiz. The quiz will be kept open till the deadline after the shadowing sessions and we encourage you to take it before the deadline to receive credit for participating in the program.
How do I list contact information for professional school applications?
We welcome our students to add TeleShadowing to their professional school applications once they have received a minimum of 6 TeleShadowing Certificates and experienced interacting with our physicians during sessions live. Once you have received 6 certificates, email for contact information.